
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology

To the Participants

Event format

This conference will be held in a hybrid format of on-site and live-streaming. Poster presentations will be held on-site only, and presenters are required to attend on-site. We would like to ask for your understanding and cooperation in the following format for lectures and poster presentations.
Lectures: On-site and live-streaming using Zoom
Lecture sessions will be held on-site and streamed live via Zoom webinar.
Please come to the venue or join us remotely via Zoom.
Poster Presentations: On-site presentations only
Posters will be displayed on site, and presentations and discussions will be organized by the chairperson during designated sessions.

For on-site participants

  • 1. General reception is located at the foyer of the Main Hall on the 8th floor and reception hours are as follows.
    January 23rd (Tue) 8:40~17:45
    January 24th (Wed) 8:40~15:00
  • 2. For on-site registered participants, please fill out the on-site registration form and make the payment for registration fees at the general reception desk, and wear provided name cards throughout the congress. Students must present their student IDs.
    JSTP members : 14,000 JPY
    Student members : 7,000 JPY
    Non-members * : 20,900 JPY
    *Included abstract book fees
    Social gathering banquet
    JSTP members : 12,000 JPY
    Student members : 7,000 JPY
    Non-members : 12,000 JPY
  • 3. The abstract book will be mailed to the members in advance, so please bring it with you on the day of the conference.
    Extra copies of the abstract book will be available for 2,000 yen for JSTP members and Student members, and for 5,000 yen for Non-members per issue.
  • 4. For questions and discussions, please follow the chairman’s instructions and state your name and affiliation first by using the provided microphone.
  • 5. Smoking is not allowed inside the venue.
  • 6. Please turn off your cell phones or set them to be silent mode inside the venue.
  • 7. Rest areas and Free Wi-Fi service will be available in the Poster and Exhibition hall on the 7th floor.
  • 8. Lunch boxes will be provided at luncheon seminars (limited number available). Restaurants near the venue are also available.
  • 9. Cloakroom
    Place: The foyer of the Main Hall on the 8th floor.
    January 23rd (Tue) 8:40~17:45
    January 24th (Wed) 8:40~17:45
  • 10. The announcement service will not be available in the venue.
  • 11. Unauthorized photography, video recording, and audio recording within the venue are strictly prohibited.

Social gathering banquet

  • 1. After the program on the first day of the conference, from 18:30 on January 23, a social gathering banquet will be held at the Hotel InterContinental Tokyo Bay, Willard on the 5th floor.
  • 2. Pre-registration is required, but you can register at the general reception on the 8th floor on the day of the conference (12,000 JPY for JSTP members or 7,000 JPY for students).
  • 3. Please note that the registration for the banquet will be closed when it reaches the maximum number of participants.

For remote participants

  • 1. All lecture sessions, luncheon seminars (except L2), and an evening seminar will be held onsite and streamed live via Zoom webinar.
    A manual showing the URL to join the Zoom webinar, how to participate, and how to ask questions will be sent from “Zoom <no-reply@zoom.us>” around January 17 (Wed) via e-mail with the following title, so please be sure to check your inbox.
    “The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology on January 23 (Tue) _ URL information for participation in Zoom”
    “The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology on January 24 (Wed) _ URL information for participation in Zoom”
    If you have not received the e-mail by 12:00 p.m. on January 18 (Thu), please contact the registration desk (jstp40@cfmeeting.com).
  • 2. When asking questions, please enter your questions in the Q&A section of Zoom. The adoption of questions and remarks will be left entirely up to the chairperson.
    If there is no input to the Q&A, the chairperson will call for questions. If you wish to ask a question, please use the “raise your hand” function on Zoom.
    Once the chairperson nominates you, the microphone will become available, so please speak directly into the microphone.
  • 3. As mentioned in the manual, please update your Zoom application to the latest version.
  • 4. Please be aware that the remote communication may become unstable depending on your internet connection and equipment, and this may cause problems with the video images, etc.

General Assembly

We appreciate your attendance at this important meeting to approve the business report and financial statements, and honorary and distinguished members.
In order to attend the General Meeting, you must be registered to attend the Annual Meeting. Please note that attendance will be confirmed for all Council members.
Hideki Wanibuchi, President, the Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology
Main Hall, the 8th floor of Curian (Shinagawa General Citizen’s Hall)
Date and Time:
16:00–17:30 January 24 (Wed), 2024
Performance and annual review in 2023
Budget and planning for annual performance in 2024
Recommendation of meritorious members
Election of board members and councilors
Election of president for 2026 annual meeting

Luncheon Seminar and Evening Seminar

[Evening Seminar EV1] On-site and live-streaming

Date and Time: January 22nd (Mon) 18:00 (open)–20:15
Venue: 6F Large conference room
Title 1: Unlocking Insights: Revolutionary Pathological Imaging Tool
Speaker: Reto Aerni / Terukazu Kitahara (Instem)
Chairperson: Takayuki Anzai (Showa University School of Medicine)

Title 2: The Pathologists Guide to Utilizing Translational Safety Data
Speaker: Brenda Finney (Instem Translational Solutions)
Chairperson: Takayuki Anzai (Showa University School of Medicine)
Co-Sponsor: Instem

[Luncheon Seminar L1] On-site and live-streaming

Date and Time: January 23rd (Tue) 12:35–13:25
Venue: 6F Large conference room
Title: INHND-Minipig Review and Toxicologic Pathology Research of Minipigs
Speaker: Hiroaki Kawaguchi (Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University)
Chairperson: Kinji Kobayashi (Pathology Department, Drug Safety Laboratories, Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories)
Co-Sponsor: Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories, Ltd.

[Luncheon Seminar L2] On-site only

Date and Time: January 23rd (Tue) 12:35–13:25
Venue: 5F Training room 3
Title: Spontaneous Outbreak of Tuberculosis in Cynomolgus Monkeys at AnaPath Research S.A.U.
Speaker: Klaus Weber (AnaPath Services GmbH)
Chairperson: Yoshimasa Okazaki (AnaPath Services GmbH)
Co-Sponsor: AnaPath Services GmbH

[Luncheon Seminar L3] On-site and live-streaming

Date and Time: January 24th (Wed) 12:10–13:00
Venue: 6F Large conference room
Title: The Role of Pathologists in Bridging the Gap between In Vivo Models and New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)
Speaker: Daniel Rudmann
(Senior Director, Digital Toxicologic Pathology, Safety Assessment, Charles River)
Co-Sponsor: Charles River

[Luncheon Seminar L4] On-site and live-streaming

Date and Time: January 24th (Wed) 12:10–13:00
Venue: 5F Training room 2
Title: Procedure and Test Article Related Pathology Findings due to Direct CNS Delivery of Non-Traditional Modalities
Speaker: Alok Sharma
(Director, Global Anatomic Pathology, Labcorp Early Development Laboratories Inc.)
Chairperson: Anthony Vo (Exec Dir Business Development, Labcorp)
Co-Sponsor: Labcorp Laboratories Japan G.K.

[Luncheon Seminar L5] On-site and live-streaming

Date and Time: January 24th (Wed) 12:10–13:00
Venue: 5F Training room 3
Title: Artificial Intelligence for Preclinical Pathology̶Improving Accuracy and Turnaround
Speaker: 1) Taishi Shimazaki (Japan Tobacco Inc.)
2) Uttara Joshi AIRA (Matrix Private Limited)
Chairperson: Toshiyuki Shoda (Japan Tobacco Inc.)
Co-Sponsor: AIRA Matrix Private Limited

Poster Presentations

  • 1. Poster presentations will be posted on-site and presentations and discussions will be organized by the chairperson.
    The schedule for poster display, presentation, and discussion (Q&A) is as follows.
    Poster Viewing : January 23 (Tue) 9:30 – 24 (Wed) 15:50
    Poster Discussion 1 : January 23 (Tue) 16:45 – 17:45
    Poster Discussion 2 : January 24 (Wed) 14:50 – 15:50